Working on Apache Karaf Cookbook

The last couple of month I spent a lot of my private time on writing. Not so much on writing blog posts, but writing articles and a cookbook. The articles are about what’s new with Karaf 3.0, building an enterprise application with Karaf I and II.  These articles where and are going to be published in the german JavaMagazin (yeah sorry it’s all in german)

The other big thing I currently work on during my private time is the Apache Karaf Cookbook. This book is written by Jamie Goodyear, Johan Edstrom, Heith Kesler (all of them authors of “Learning Apache Karaf”) and me. It will covering Apache Karaf and tries to give some ideas on how to:

  • improve Karaf to production readiness
  • run Camel with Karaf
  • combine ActiveMQ with Karaf
  • build web applications with Karaf
  • run web-services on top of Karaf
  • cluster Apache Karaf
  • persist data with Karaf and JPA
  • create persistence layer with Karaf and Apache Cassandra
  • run BigData in combination with Hadoop
  • test applications with Apache Karaf (will most likely be an additional chapter only online available)

I’m eager to see it released and hope you’ll have as much fun reading it then I had writing it. But beware you’ll need to use the sources too, sometimes 260 Pages are just not enough 😉

The book will be published by Packt Publishing. As soon as it is available you’ll also find a link here to grab yourself a copy.

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